This instrument is widely supplied in measuring axunge paint plastic, food, medication, adhesive, cosmetic and so on like fluidic sticky resistance and liquid absolute viscosity.fix and measuring must be done according requirement from instruction book。
Main technic spec
·Range of measure:10~105mpa.s
·Rotate speed: 6,12,30,60turn/minute
·Error of measure:±5%(Newton liquid)

1. take out chassis base
andsupport from packing
boxcircumrotate three
level 。
2.adjust foot into tapping
hole in chassis base(chart 1)
3.main machine fix:
a. take out main machine by unscrewing the screws in chassis
b. unscrew the handle root screw . inset the power line into handle slot(chart2)
c. penetrate the handle into hole under slot(chart2)
d. screw the handle fix knob to screw the handle and keep the main machine level mostly (chart3)
8.measure the temperature of measured liquid directly , do not use the temperature value of constant temperature bath
9. it is normal when the viscosity changes because of change of speed and length of measure time during measuring. That is not the instrument hitch.
10.operate seriously according the operation manual
The whole set
1.main machine————————1
2.(1,2,3,4)rotors———— 1
3.protective support—————— 1—————————— 1
5.lever adjustment screw———— 3
6.manual—————————— 1
7.certificate ————————— 1
Quotiety table
rotor |
60 |
30 |
12 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
5 |
10 |
2 |
5 |
10 |
25 |
50 |
3 |
20 |
40 |
100 |
200 |
4 |
100 |
200 |
500 |
1000 |
1.this instrument should be used in 10—30
2.protective support must be fixed when measuring, or the viscosity value will change as the change of diameter of container
3.the rotor connective screw staff should be raised when fix or remove rotor, or the head of shaft will be damaged. Keep the bleb from rotor when rotor is immerged into liquid
4.the instrument should not be placed in oblique or inverse direction. Especially the rotor is fixed.
5.after fixing the rotor, do not turn on machine to turn the rotor without immerging the rotor into liquid
6.remove rotor carefully after finishing work every time. Clear it extremely, dry is with blower, and put it back on the rotor support in vertically
7.pointer lock staff should be packaged by yellow package cover and rubber hand when carrying the instrument.
e. remove the rubber hand from pointer lock staff and yellow package cover from main machine inferior part.
alarm: do not turn on machine before removing the above two objects or it will damage the machine
power on, adjust the level adjustment foot(chart4). Make the bleb in the middle of level set(chart5).
1.first rightly rotate the protective support into the instrument inferior part.
2.prepare the liquid for measuring, select the column container having diameter not less than 70 mm
3.control the temperature in liquid for measuring correctly according the precision required by measuring
4. select the right rotor number by estimating the approximate range of viscosity of liquid or measuring, and rotate left the rotor into the connective screw staff(chart4),then rotate the up and down knob(chart5),make the instrument down slowly, immerging into measured liquid gradually, until the rotor liquid level balances the liquid level(chart4).put down the pointer lock staff, power on, relax.
the pointer lock staff,
to make the rotor
circumrotate in the
liquid. The speed is
20-30 run, until the
pointer stay at one
position . put down
the pointer lock staff to
make the reading unchangeable,
then turn off the motor to
make the pointer stay
in the range of reading

window,then get the
reading directly. If the
pointer do not stay in
the frame after turning
off motor, go on to put
down the pointer lock
staff. Repeat the action
of turning on and off to
make the pointer in the
frame of window. If
selecting 6 and 12 turn /minute,
get the reading directly
without locking the pointer.5.the best is that the read pointer stay 30—90 division range, or change the rotor number or run speed to get the requirement 6.when you can not predict the viscosity value of liquid for measuring , the rotor and turn speed knob should be selected by turning from little value to big value, and from slow to fast, to measure the viscosity value.
Quotiety and error correcting
1.the absolute viscosity value of liquid measured can be get by multiplying the reading pointed on dial when measuring and quotiety in quotiety table
that is:
k= quotiety
α=pointer reading
η=viscosity value
2.frequency error correcting
normal frequency
actual viscosity value= indicated value ×—————————
actual frequency
Range stable and quotiety table
range stable
rotor |
Turn/minute |
60 |
30 |
12 |
6 |
1 |
100 |
200 |
500 |
1000 |
2 |
500 |
1000 |
2500 |
5000 |
3 |
2000 |
4000 |
10000 |
20000 |
4 |
10000 |
20000 |
50000 |
100000 |